WordPress Not Creating Line Breaks Writer #1, 2012-02-12 This still works but the UPDATE below is better The solution to WordPress not recognizing line breaks is to tweak your source code. You will need a way to edit the HTML on your site. Go to wp-includes -> post-template.php Search for “function the_content“. At the end of that function you will see: // echo $content; // Change that to: // echo nl2br($content); // That will convert your line breaks in the code into a line break in the HTML code. UPDATE Thanks to the WordPress forum, I have found another (possibly more proper) fix to this issue. In your WordPress plugins, search for a new plug-in called “TinyMCE-Advanced”, or download it from here: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/tinymce-advanced/ Next, go to your TinyMCE-Advanced settings and select the checkbox that says “stop removing the <p> and <br> tags”. Programming Technology WordPress line breaknl2brpost-templatethe_contentwordpress