Random Awesomeness / Technology · 2012-02-18

Un-Google Your Browsing (Chrome Alternative)

This may become a mini-series on my blog – how to UnGoogle your life.

Google offers lots of services, but the one product that I fell in love with was Google Chrome.  It loads really fast, runs really fast, uses screen space more efficiently than other browsers, and is more stable and secure than any other browser.  I was disappointed to go back to Firefox, but I did because I’m un-Googleing my life!

One day, I saw that Ubuntu offers a browser on their software Center called “Chromium” and the logo was similar to Google Chrome.  Upon reading about it, I came to realize that Google didn’t invent Chrome, they just took the open-source Chromium project, made some customizations, branded it with their logo and marketed it.

So, if you love Chrome, uninstall it and install Chromium.  Here’s a link: http://www.chromium.org/.