Caffeine Free for 3 Months

So, about 3 months of being caffeine free and I figured it’s time to post an update. I listed my symptoms at They included
- Tired
- Lack of ambition
- Difficulty concentrating
- Poor memory
- Light headed when going from squatting to standing
- Blush easily even when something is barely embarrassing
- Sleep is not restful – waking up tired
- Difficulty returning to sleep if awoken during night
- Slow healing skin
- Not easily excited
I’m not sure if many of those symptoms have gone away. My energy levels have stabilized, that’s a definite, but I am not energized by any means. I am still tired, still have a lack of ambition, difficulty returning to sleep if awoken, and I’m not very excitable. The one thing that I did end up fixing was my poor memory and difficulty concentrating, but the elimination of caffeine did not fix it. That fixed itself as soon as I tried a DHEA supplement.
I took DHEA as an experiment, hoping that I’d get some energy. I didn’t get energy but I had an immediate increase in ability to concentrate and remember things. In previous posts I mentioned that I would even forget what I was thinking about while thinking about it. After supplementing DHEA, that’s gone. I used 25 mg of DHEA under my tongue for about 30 – 60 seconds, then I swallow it. After taking it for a few weeks, now I can go with or without it. It’s like my body got corrected and now I don’t need it. So, if you have memory problems and concentration problems, give DHEA a try. It’s under $10 for 100 tables. If you’re lucky like me, you may get a buy one get one free deal and get 2 bottles for about $10.
As far as the rest of the list goes, caffeine elimination did not fix my problems. In fact, I may be over-mellowed out now. I’ll probably remain caffeine-free but continue seeking out more answers. I went to my doc yesterday and got some hormone tests done. Maybe that will reveal an answer.