Random Awesomeness · 2011-06-29

Caffeine – Why Going Free?

So, why would I decide to caffeine free myself?  First, two simple words and then I’ll expand on them.  “Adrenal Exhaustion”.  It is real.

What led me to that is this: After getting an array of tests from my doctor about a year ago, I saw my lab values for RT3 (reverse T3).  This is a thyroid hormone.  It acts as a counter to T3 to keep it in balance.  If you have high RT3 then you will have the same symptoms as someone who has an under active thyroid, the only confusing part for doctors is that all other hormone levels look adequate.  And since they do not generally test RT3, it makes for an easy misdiagnosis, or a lack of a diagnosis when the answer was right in front of them.  So, as I focused on all my symptoms and became concerned about my health I began looking up “high RT3” on the web.  But it seemed that all things began to point to adrenal exhaustion causing the RT3 problem, such as this quote:

When biological stress is ongoing, your adrenals will eventually become fatigued, dropping from high cortisol to a mix of high and low, or all low,  and those low levels put you into the problematic state of adrenal fatigue, which causes chronic anxiety, poor coping skills, paranoia, easy nausea, sensitivity to light or sounds, psychological issues, etc.  When you don’t make enough cortisol, thyroid hormones can pool high in your blood. So your body responds by converting the T4 to excess RT3.

– Source: http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/reverse-t3/

I don’t know if I can make a perfect case for it but everything I read pointed me toward adrenal fatigue.  And why would that happen?  Caffeine.  Coffee addicts are subjecting themselves to hormonal problems.

That’s why I quit.  (more to come)