First Amendment and Evolution
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The Bible clearly states that God created everything “in the beginning”. He created each animal specifically and individually. Although some would try to say that the days of creation were eras, there is no biblical foundation for that. That is simply a result of trying to blend pre-existing beliefs into God\’s true word.
The case I would like to make is that the teaching of evolution in public schools is a practice that prohibits the free exercise of religion, because it dares to step onto the holy ground of scripture.
When government as a whole, insists on teaching the public that Genesis 1:1 is not real, socially speaking they are prohibiting the free exercise [there]of religion in that society.
Children are taught from first grade through college that the world came out of nowhere, exploded, and we spawned from the rocks, and are left little chance to overcome that programming and then freely exercise their religion. In fact, because of this teaching, few even have a religion.
Evolution should only be a specialized study since it does interfere with someone\’s religious beliefs. Even if that silly idea were true, it would ruin the free exercise of religion. Since it cannot be proven true, it has NO right to influence anyone under our country\’s constitution.