Excuse Me Mr. Government Sir, May We Please Protest? Thank You.
The good and bad about the tea parties.
Originally: 2009-04-06
The best thing about this tea party movement is that people are finally getting out of their homes to speak out about the crud going on against this country’s future. Yes, the people have un-welded their cans from their sofas. Perhaps they realized that their cable TV won’t exist if they don’t do something now. Whatever the reason, people are leaving the houses in droves to tell the officers running the Corporation of the United States that they aren’t going to take it anymore!
“That’s right!”, they say, “Don’t tempt me! I’ll turn on C-Span, pull some things out of context and then call your secretary and complain! Don’t think I won’t! You’d better fear me, Mr./Mrs. “Elected Official”! I have a picket sign and I’m not afraid to use it!”
Yes, the slaves are getting restless. The next thing you know they’ll kick the dirt and say “aw shucks”.
So sure, it’s great that people are attempting to do something, but here’s the problem: the managed media (Fox) is now in full support of it. Does “the Fox guarding the hen-house” sound appropriate here? Why in the world would a major corporate whore like Fox News try to get behind this movement, other than for publicity? And more cinically, because their bosses (New World Order) now want people getting mad, so it’s time to make it mainstream.
Here’s the real problem with the Tea Party, and this is not to say anything about the folks who started it, but Sean Hannity is supporting it. I repeat, Sean Hannity is supporting it. Sean Hannity had his chance to defend fiscal responsibility and freedom while Ron Paul was running for president but wanted nothing to do with it. Sean Hannity belittled Ron Paul at every possible moment. Hannity wasn’t just interviewing, he was condicendingly interviewing. But suddenly this movement is getting traction and now Sean Hannity wants “in”. Yeah, corporate whore is just the right description for him and his fake-conservative news station.
To top off their whore-like gesture, they lined up Big and Rich to be playing at the Tea Party event. Well yee haw… just what we needed – a funny country singer to get this overthrow started right. What’s next? A trapeze act and a one-man-band? That has nothing to do with protesting and everything to do with distracting people. Just like when Schwarzenegger went through the concentration camp in California, the “residents” were star-struck and forgot all about the fact that they’re being trained to live in a pen.
Furthermore, Hannity said that the protest is now official because they have the permits and everything. Um, permits? Let’s think about our founding fathers for a moment. Just before they hit the streets to throw the tea into the harbor, do you think they went to get a permit? Is this seriously how pathetic this country has become? We now beg permission from the government to protest the government? What if they say no? Oh wait, they already have said no.
What this all boils down to is the fact that the Tea Party is meant to do nothing. It is just to pacify people who have had enough. It’s just a steam valve so people don’t actually overthrow the government. Nothing serious will happen. I bet the national guard is taking the day off. I bet the Homeland Security Brigade (US Stazi) wasn’t even told that anything was going on. No corporate officers of the United States, Inc. will be physically removed. Nobody will be armed, as our founders would have been. This is just a party, hence the name “Tea Party”. If it were up to me, I’d change the name. I’d call it a “Wine Party”.