Meaning of Life

2020/02/16 – Just a disclaimer: This view is similar to my current belief, but is also outdated. While our faith is important, we are not as alone as I described in this post. God is with us. Sooner or later, we’ll all figure that out.

Often I joke. Here I do not.

The Reality of Life

Right now, we are in crisis mode. Life is a crisis mode. There is nothing anybody around you can do for you after you’re gone. Eternally speaking, we’re alone, other than God, Jesus Christ, and ourselves. Although we are here in this world and we feel like we are a part of some big community, we are, but it’s temporal and fleeting. Furthermore, it’s debatable whether it’s even real or not. Everything we see is made of atoms which are only perceived by our senses, but consist of nothing but space and electricity. Is it real? No, not really.

Time, size, and matter can be broken down only so far. When you reach that point where it cannot be reduced again you realize that it’s digital. Things appear continuous, smooth, and non-rigid. They are however, digital. We are living in a digital simulation and our bodies and our senses are themselves digital simulations to perceive other digital simulation. So, we perceive a world. Truly speaking, it’s not really there.

The only thing that’s really here are the souls of the world. The flesh and the blood is not really in existence either. It’s only a mirage or a perception of something being really there.

Of course, we still look both ways before crossing the street. Even though we’re not really here and the cars are not really there, the molecules are programmed to interact in a particular way so if we get in the way of a moving mass of electrons called a car, they’ll kill us. So there is importance to our reality. I’m not minimizing it, but to keep it in perspective, it’s only temporary. It’s a show. The world is truly a stage only to be viewed and acted upon by the souls on this Earth, and that’s it.

Eventually, things end. Your life will end. Even if you drag it out to 120 years, it will end. When it does end, what you’re left with is what counts, and that’s all that counts. If you put off taking care of your eternal life, when it manifests itself, you’ll be without any recourse. You’ll be at a complete loss and you will be lost so there is no reason to ignore it. If you do then you are a fool.

The Mirage of Community

We feel a particular sense of belonging in a community. We feel an attachment, even if we don’t realize it. I felt that with my friend before he died. That connection wasn’t even developed all that much. We probably only spent 15 hours together, maybe less. There was a connection that was made that was relatively small but when he died it was tough. It’s a very wrenching pain when you see somebody die, particularly when you have a connection with them in some way, you appreciated them, and they made you feel appreciated.

As humans, we feel that connection, it’s good, and we need it. That sense of community, that belonging, is good and I believe that God made us to be that way but we cannot lose perspective of what it’s supposed to be for and how it’s supposed to work. What I’ve realized is that in this life we have each other, but we shouldn’t mistake that sense of community and belonging for anything of any eternal value because it’s not eternally valuable if your soul is perishing. I believe it’s kind of a trick and a mirage. It’s something that can lure us in and feel like we’re part of a greater good. If you don’t have an eternal perspective you’ll believe that you are a part of some greater good… but if you don’t know God, it’s all worthless. It will die along with your soul if you don’t know God. Even if your community lives to 100 years it’s still going away.

So to say it in one quick sentence, it’s every man for himself on this Earth. That doesn’t mean to climb on someone’s head to get somewhere. You don’t have to do that. In fact, it wouldn’t even work. What I mean is that you have to take care of yourself because nobody else can. It doesn’t matter if you join their community, or they make you feel good about yourself, or you can make them feel good about themselves. It’s all immaterial. It amounts to nothing. Like Solomon said, it’s chasing the wind. It makes no difference. You will lose your community – I promise. That close-knit community that gives you peace will someday be gone – guaranteed. It’s going away. What matters is your connection with your Creator. Without Jesus Christ, you cannot have that connection. Right now, He loves you and he’s waiting for you but if you don’t accept His offer then you don’t have an eternal connection. It’s that easy. Almost too simple to grasp.

It’s every man for himself until he finds Christ. Then it’s every Christian for every man.

I think that summarizes what life is about.

All That Matters

The only community that will matter is the community of Christ. Being in his body and in His Kingdom is all that matters. Your connection to that Kingdom begins immediately. Since His Kingdom is outside of time, your connection to it is at any point in the time continuum. So you can reach that now and you are effectively in heaven at that point. Your soul is, at least. AS of now, you are tied to this Earth in the time continuum while your life lives out in this reality. But once this goes away, you’re left with your soul and it needs to be in the hands of Jesus.

Words of Jesus

The scary part in the Bible is when Jesus said “Not everyone who says to me ‘Lord Lord’ in that day will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. People will say we cast out demons in your name and did great things in your name”, Jesus replies “Depart from me, I never knew you.”

It’s important for Him to know you. It says in the Bible to believe on the Lord Jesus and you’ll be saved. Believe in Him, put your belief on Him, and you’ll be saved. He is your only connection to an eternal life. You need to have your belief there, on Jesus. Accept it. Don’t fight it. Accept it. That’s the only way to be out of controversy with God. Accept what He has given you. When you do that, you’ll have peace with Him and you’ll be given life eternally.

When I say to accept what God has given you, I don’t mean your lot in life, I mean His son, Jesus, who has to be accepted so that you will have salvation. That is key and that is the most important thing. So believe on Him and you shall be saved. Then, tell others.

  • 2010-09-29