As a personal friend of Leonard Roberto, or at least an extreme acquaintance with several hours of discussion and visitation, I am honored to give him a little bit of publicity. Going by my number of views on some pages, “little” is an overstatement (or understatement?).
Anyway, I\’m happy to see him in the running for the New York State congress. He is truly a man of integrity and principle, which begs the question “what is he doing in politics”? Well, he has been working for years on bringing integrity back to the political system in New York State, through his organization called Primary Challenge.
Below is an email he sent to promote his campaign. If you are in New York State in the 27th district (Buffalo – Batavia area), I urge you to look into Leonard Roberto as your choice for congress for the upcoming 2010 election.
In November of 2010, you and I have an opportunity to make history. We have been witness to a grassroots movement that is sweeping the nation -- demanding smaller government, lower spending, lower taxes, less government interference in both our lives and in the marketplace. There has never been a better time to restore real conservative principles to our government.
I am Leonard Roberto, the endorsed Republican and Conservative Party candidate for Congress in the 27th District. I am a manufacturing business owner, ordained minister, and Vietnam veteran.
I am contacting concerned citizens like you to ask for your help in regaining control of an out of control federal government. Over the past two years we have seen tens of thousands of jobs lost while this administration continues spending our children into poverty.
From the passage of a “Health Care Reform” package that the vast majority of Americans oppose, to bailouts of Wall Street Bankers, this government is operating irresponsibly and without the consent of the American people. If Brian Higgins, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama are allowed to continue spending at their current rate, the resulting debt will threaten the economic survival of our country.
My opponent, Brian Higgins has repeatedly supported the liberal positions of the Pelosi and Obama administration. Higgins was co-author of the health care bill and arrogantly refused to meet with his constituents to address their concerns during the health care debate. He also supported raising taxes, refused to secure our borders, supported amnesty for illegal aliens, and voted to increase federal debt and spending to unprecedented levels. It’s for these reasons that I have decided to offer the voters of Western New York a real choice in this election.
This campaign will require a strong and organized grassroots effort. Our volunteers have obtained an overwhelming number of signatures to qualify for the ballot. Additionally, we have distributed 25,000 palm cards, and over 1,000 lawn signs.
We have run an extremely efficient and cost effective campaign. It is time to step up to the next level, and your generous donations will enable us to do just that.
That’s why I’m inviting you to join my campaign and help make a real difference. A contribution of $50, $100, $250, $500 or the legal maximum of $2,400 made payable to “Roberto for Congress” will help raise the funds needed to support a series of campaign events, purchase air time and produce direct mailings. It is our hope that with your help we can raise $200,000 by October 1st.
Please send contributions to Roberto for Congress, 18 Mill Valley Dr., East Amherst, New York 14051. Please also consider forwarding this request to those on your email list that would like to help.
Thanks in advance for your encouragement and support. I look forward to hearing from you.
Leonard Roberto