Uncategorized · 2010-05-10

Red Bull Cola

Red Bull Cola is a top notch cola that seems to be still underground. Many grocery stores don’t carry it but some do. I discovered it at a gas station near me and one week later I went in and they were off the shelf because they weren’t selling well! I was appalled! The clerk said they had them in the back so I asked if she could get one for me… and then I found a new source, a local grocery store.

The reason I love Red Bull Cola so much is the ingredient list. It is made of real genuine herbs and actual sugar. No high-fructose-corn-syrup. No aspartame (Nutra-Sweet). No sucrolose. No saccharine.

After my first taste… I wasn’t hooked. It was just pop. And not as sweet as Coke. But I gotta tell ya, when I’m done drinking a Coke I feel like crud. When I got done drinking my first Red Bull Cola, I felt energized, clear headed, and a strange sense of pleasure… and I’m not kidding. Those herbs must have struck a nerve in me. Now, I have it almost daily, just after my coffee.

Now I don’t want them to get too popular because the price will go up. They are currently usually found at $1.69 per can, which is just about the max you’d want to pay for cola. If I say they are the best drink ever made then the price will go up. If I say they suck then people will stop buying them and they’ll stop production. Let me just say, they are very medium. But do try it.