
This is a new joke I\’m working on. I haven\’t totally finished it yet, but here goes:

There was a company that paid people every Thursday and they noticed that every Friday after payday, the employees would either call in sick or leave early. In order to overcome that problem they decided to change payday to Friday, and not give paychecks until 4:30 pm.

One man was very bothered by the mistrust the company was showing toward the employees and decided he was going to outsmart them. The next Friday came around and he went into work ready to execute his plan…

Now remember I said I\’m still working on the joke? Well, that\’s as far as I got. There\’s no punchline yet. It\’s still in beta.

– If you had a dead battery and couldn\’t afford to pay for a new one, would you just charge it?

  • 2010-04-29