Uncategorized · 2010-03-25

Please Stop Revolting While We Gut Your Country

The slaves are getting restless. Stories are now popping up stating that people are revolting against the insurgent US CORPORATE government. Gee, I wonder why.

Don\’t get me wrong, I don\’t want to see blood shed any more than the next sane man wants to see it, but wars begin when someone threatens your country. There\’s nothing new or mysterious here.

America was built upon freedom and the current oligarchy is forcing socialist principles onto the American people.

Of course, socialism has been alive and well on this land already, as can be seen at http://www.criminalgovernment.com/docs/planks.html. But now that it\’s a little bit more “in your face”, people can join together and say “no”.

Why the Violence?

Well, it seems that when your voice is ignored and calling your politicians doesn\’t work, that people use their other voice. Ya know the old saying that \’actions speak louder than words\’? Well, here\’s an action. And the verse from Ecclesiastes that says \’there is a time for peace and a time for war\’? There could be a connection here.

The American Way

As reported on Politico, Boehner said, “violence and threats are unacceptable. That’s not the American way.”

I\’m like what? Have you ever read a history book? This country was founded on kicking the hind end of tyrants. The oligarchy running the law books now is just that. They are unamerican. Those who are mad have put them on notice. History will unfold how it will.

As Michael Savage said, “Those who get it always will and those who don\’t will never.”

Disclaimer: This writing is in no way to encourage violence against the US CORPORATE oligarchy. The author does not condone political violence, unless of course it has reached critical mass.